Saturday, November 22, 2008
You notice that these days, the image of President-Elect Barack Obama can sell anything? Okay! I'll get right to it! There's something mighty fishy about the breach to President Elect Barack Obama’s cell phone records. Correction… a breach to his "Verizon" cell phone records. Now, let's face it Barack Obama has a lot of appeal, uniqueness and style. He has even eclipsed Oprah in having the Midas touch. His image alone must be propping up this failing economy. Look at the jump in the otherwise sagging magazine industry or the viewer-ship of cable news since he came on the scene. Why, you can now find gay people, Hispanics and African Americans on cable news.
I drive along the streets of metro Washington, DC and witness the bustling sales of all things Obama. Young white and black vendors are smiling as their businesses boom over this historic phenomenon. Barack Obama is an industry you can count on and in some cases, eat on. I bet Wall Street wishes they could trade him.
There are two constant products that President-Elect Barack Obama or PEBO (remember you read it here first) rocks that I have been seeking to identify: his sunshades and his phone. Not the flip phone job, but his little computer style one. His BlackBerry. I want to know where he gets those shades from and who is his cell phone service provider. Especially when he is coming off of his plane texting or talking on the phone. You have seen the pictures, haven’t you? Others must feel the same, but are too ashamed to admit it, given these hard economic times and the governmental transition and all. Seems one should be more focused on that stuff and not be so superficial as to want to know about that phone and the service that would allow PEBO to step off the plane talking on it without losing the call.
In the words of the teens, I am geeking for one.
Eureka, out of the blessings of one "company breach" and, ironically, on Friday, November 21, 2009, the very day Verizon launched “the world’s first touch screen BlackBerry with VZ Navigator capability, 1GB on board and 8GB micro SD included, 3.2 megapixel camera with auto focus and Microsoft Office applications, my prayer was answered. Imagine, that in the background of this epiphany, music is playing that sounds oddly like that Kingston Trio song, They Call The Wind Mariah. If you know the song, sing along with the lyrics. If you don’t know it, I’ve added this short sound clip you can click on to help you along.
Verizon, Verizon, they call the phone Verizon
Way out here They got a name for the phone provider I’m seeking. It’s not TMobile or Cingular they call the phone Verizon.
Verizon blows the bull around and sets the news a-flyin'.
Verizon makes us think that its folks were up there spyin'.
Verizon. (Verizon).
Verizon. (Verizon).
They call the phone Verizon.
Before I knew the phone’s name, I wondered about its form
I had my own until the breach now its off to Verizon’s Storm.
But then today
I heard the news
I'll leave the flip behind me
and now I'm ready to make the move
not even cost can stop me
Verizon. (Verizon).
Verizon. (Verizon).
They call the phone Verizon.
Out where I live they got a name for tricks
for jive and for faking
But when your mind is all confused
you can't hear the tales they making
Now I'm no cynic or paranoid
without a hope to guide me
I know a scheme when I hear one
yet, I'm mighty glad they told me
Verizon. (Verizon).
Verizon. (Verizon).
They call the phone Verizon. (Repeat)
(fade out)
Now, if only someone would breach the info about PEBO’s sunshade purchase.
I am sad to report that I was unsuccessful in purchasing the phone this morning.
They were sold out in the metropolitan DC area.
copyright 2008 Vanella A. Crawford
copyright 2008 Vanella A. Crawford