Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cell phones and Johnny Cochran's Brain Cancer

Debate continues on cell phones and their connection with brain tumors and brain cancer in people.

Johnny Cochran's doctor, Dr. Keith Black and Dr. Sanjay Gupta were on Larry King Live, Tuesday, May 27, along with Cochran's wife, Dale Cochran educating people on the need to avoid putting a cell phone to one's ear. The controversy is that the magnets and microwaves are connected to brain cancer. Brain cancer is becoming the number one cancer killer in children as young children are using cellphones more often.

The lack of science on the issues forbade these doctors from emphatically making the link to brain cancer and cell phone use. However, Dr. Vini Khurana of Camberra, Australia did not hesitate to do so. All of these people use an ear piece and advise the public to use the speaker phone and hold the phone away from the ear. Oh, did I mention, the phone manuals give similar instructions for how to safely use a cell phone which includes holding the phone away from your ear.

The brain tumors of two well known businessmen, Reginald Lewis (author, "Why Should White Guys Have All The Fun?) Johnnie Cochran, and with some speculation that Senator Kennedy's brain tumor were all related to heavy cell phone use. The facts are not consistent and the American Cancer Society, for some reason, is taking a position that there is no correlation. Wonder who some of their donors are!

Head phones are recommended. Not blue tooth ear pieces as they pose a similar threat. OMG, I just brought one, because the earphones I had never worked right. As weird as the bluetooth looks, its sound is so much clearer. Now, I have to locate a clear earpiece that is safe. As soon as I do I will broadcast it.

Meanwhile, there is more information at the Johnnie Cochran Brain Center at Cedar Sinai Hospital.

Consider this: "If Black (Doctor Keith Black) is using an earpiece, than we all need to be using one." Johnnie Cochran